How do you make good Sushi Rice from home?
A friend called me up the other day and asked how to make good sushi rice.
So I decided to write the basics down. Sushi rice is the arguably the most important step in preparing “restaurant quality” sushi from home!
First you must start with your rice selection: you are going to need a short grain or medium grain white rice, your best bet is to go to your local super market of choice and look in the bulk foods section for “sushi rice” but if you don’t see anything labeled as sushi rice, look for short grain.
You are also going to need “Sushi Vinegar” not “rice vinegar”. This is the most common mistake people make. “Rice Vinegar” is vinegar made from rice, not made for rice. You can buy “Sushi Vinegar” at most big super markets, but I sugest making your own as most of the store Sushi vinegar’s will have high fructose corn syrup in them. And making it is very simple and inexpensive.
It you Google ”Sushi Vinegar” plenty of recipes will show up in your search. I personally like to use Apple cider vinegar as my base and mix it with sugar, lemon juice, pickled ginger juice, sake, and salt.
Now I don’t want this next part to confuse you, when you look for recipes many will tell you to use rice vinegar. This is fine, you can use rice vinegar to make sushi vinegar. My statement above was not to use rice vinegar as sushi vinegar but you can use it to make sushi vinegar. I prefer apple cider vinegar because it has a broad flavor palate.
OK, now that we have all of that out of the way, we can now prepare your sushi rice. First you want to find a lard bowl or pot to wash your rice. Measure your desired amount of rice before you rinse! I suggest that you cook more rice than you think you are going to need! Trust me, it’s better to have more rice than not enough rice.
Once you have your desired amount of rice pour it into the pot or bowl for rinsing. (it helps to have a large pot or bowl for this process) Put the pot or bowl in the sink and turn on the cold water, let the water fill the container with water. Leave the water running and gently stir the rice with your hand, be careful not to break the grains.
You should have nice milky water at this point, now stop stirring and let the water run until clear again. Repeat this step two to three times or until you have little to no more milkiness to the water when you stir the rice with your hand.
Now pour rice and water into a colander and rinse for a final time. (remember to be gentle!)
Time to Cook! I highly suggest you use a rice cooker! Trust me on this one, it just makes your experience and your rice that much better!
Use the time when your rice is cooking to prepare your sushi vinegar. Note, some recipes make call it “seasoned rice vinegar” AKA “sushi vinegar”
After your rice is done cooking let it stand for 15 minutes with the lid on!
You will need are large bowl or casserole dish to mix the sushi vinegar with the rice. A none metallic bowl and paddle are important in this process!
Pour your rice into the container for mixing. How to make Sushi Rice video will help you with this process.
Next pour your sushi vinegar over your rice, and the rice paddle to help evenly disperse the vinegar. Now gently stir and cut the rice with the paddle being careful not to break the rice grains, meanwhile use a fan or your other hand with a hand fan to cool the rice. (this helps not give the rice a nice shine and to bring down to room temperature.)
Once you feel the rice and vinegar mixture is evenly mixed put a damp towel over the top until ready to use in your sushi preparation.
Do not put in the refrigerator as this will dry the rice out and make it unusable!
Happy Rolling!