So I just finished an amazing weekend at MonaVie's international convention, the Imagine conference! Always after an emotional/informational/motivational and spiritual filled weekend I ride this energetic high as I leave to go home to my "normal life". But before I go home I want to decompress and digest all the amazing information and lessons learned from the weekend. So I'm sitting here in my hotel reading my chicken scratch notes that I frantically scribbled as I listened to top leaders, CEO's, scientist, economist and million dollar earners.
On a side note, surrounding myself with all these amazing people (winners) is probably my favorite part about an event like this!
As I'm reading these notes the section from Dallin Larsen (CEO & founder of MonaVie) is leaping out at me. The section is about leadership! So I felt like passing along this list of leadership qualities, in hopes that they will positively effect someone that might be striving to become a leader on some level! Lord knows we need more leaders on the planet!
Alright so here is Dallin's list of leadership qualities:
1. Leaders dream big dreams!
2. Leaders never quit on themselves! The adjust as they go.
3. Leaders understand the value of work and focus!
4. Leaders chase their passion not their pension!
5. Leaders are risk takers, willing to fail in order to succeed!
6. Leaders master the art of communication!
7. Leaders improve themselves continually.
8. Leaders are willing to make difficult decisions - decisively.
9. Leadership can be lonely
10. Great leaders in history move from success to significance!
So there you go! Ten ways to become a better leader!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Well you got 9 of'em covered but I see you having a hard time getting lonely. I dropped that top secret new england bev bomb on my fam/team and it caused a flurry of motivation. You've locked yourself in as my R&D Guy.